Teaching Writing in Years 3-4 - Webinar

children reading books at table
25th January, 2024 - 15:30 pm to 17:30 pm
Price: £60.00


Key Stage 2



Class Teacher

Phase Leader

Subject Leader

Enhance knowledge and understanding of how to teach writing in Year 3 and 4 by providing a range of experiences that promote transcriptional skills and develop imagination and ideas to support composition.

This webinar is part of a series which uses the CLPE Writing Scale to focus participants on key attainment expectations for children at different ages and stages of development, then explores the practice and provision that support children’s progress towards these goals.

What you will learn:

  • the skills, knowledge and attitudes that underpin progress and achievement in writing in Lower Key Stage 2, and how it develops;
  • the writing practices and contexts that meet the needs and interests of children in Years 3 and 4, enabling them to be curious, engaged and motivated to write;
  • how to choose and use quality texts to exemplify authentic literary forms and writing voices, provide language models, enrich vocabulary and inspire opportunities for writing;
  • teaching approaches that best support an authentic writing process, including language and vocabulary acquisition, building of imaginative ideas, drafting, editing and publication;
  • how to support developing writers to write with fluency across a range of forms with purpose and audience in mind;
  • a range of strategies and approaches that enable children to use and apply spelling, punctuation and grammar knowledge in real writing contexts;

What will participants gain?

  • Participants are introduced to a wide range of quality texts suitable for Lower Key Stage 2 alongside practical ideas that can easily be transferred to the classroom.
  • Participants receive a handout of the presentation slides, along with a teaching sequence for The Comet by Joe Todd-Stanton and a Take 5 Home Learning Resource example, supporting immediate implementation at school.
  • Participants receive a pre-registration email three days before the training date with details on how to join the Zoom session.

Webinar price is per person.

This is the third in a series of four webinars: teachers and leaders might attend one or all four to embed consistency of practice from Nursery to Year 6.

All elements of the training are in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum.

It was wonderful for us as teachers to have a chance to write creatively again, accessing our creative writing side that we don't always have the freedom to tap into during the busyness of the classroom.

Teacher on Understanding the Writing Journey in Years 3 and 4, 2021

Great presentation that was clear and included a great mix of theory and practical ideas

Teacher on Understanding the Writing Journey in Years 3 and 4, 2020


Teaching Writing Online - Darren Matthews
