The Power of a Rich Reading Classroom – Picturebooks in the Primary School - 2 hour Online INSET


This two hour online INSET will explore the importance of choosing and using picturebooks for children of all ages to increase children’s motivation as independent readers and writers.

Through a range of interactive activities, we will investigate how well-chosen picturebooks, specific teaching of how illustration can be read and thoughtfully planned activities can increase children’s comprehension of language and engage children in deeper response in reading, as well as how picturebooks can be used to develop children’s own use of language and understanding of narrative structure; inspiring them to write creatively and independently.

Participants will be introduced to a wide range of picturebooks with examples that can be used from Early Years to Year 6 and practical ideas that can easily be transferred to the classroom.

The content of the session is based on the research and best practice from CLPE’s Power of Pictures research programme recently part of the Education Endowment Foundation and RSA Learning About Culture Randomised Control Trial. 

Over the course of the two hour session, staff will:

  • Gain an understanding of the place of picturebooks in a broad, rich English Curriculum.
  • Look at examples of high quality picturebooks that can be used with children across the primary years.
  • Develop specific subject knowledge in how to read illustration.
  • Develop knowledge of the specific reading skills and strategies that picturebooks support.
  • Engage in examples of creative teaching approaches that support children’s engagement with and understanding of narrative.
  • Develop understanding of how picturebooks can be used as a stimulus for children’s own writing.

Focus texts for this online training include: 

  • Croc and Bird by Alexis Deacon
  • Don't Worry, Little Crab by Chris Haughton
  • If All the World Were... by Joseph Coelho and Allison Colpoys 
  • The Journey by Francesca Sanna

Individual schools wishing to partake in online 2 hour sessions will have the option to select a date and time for this session to take place for a fixed fee of £500. To book, please complete our Booking Enquiry Form.