The Power of Pictures Conference

13th June, 2016 - 09:30 am to 15:30 pm
Price: £220.00


Early Years


Reading Writing

The Power of Pictures 13 June 2016 (this conference is now past).

Developing literacy with picture books throughout the primary years

Hear the results of our two year project where teachers have worked with picture book authors to enhance children’s understanding and attitudes towards reading and writing.

Hear from Keynote Speakers

Why Drawing Matters

Children’s Laureate Chris Riddell

The Power of Pictures in Schools

Introducing the Power of Pictures project and website

Illustrator Ed Vere and CLPE's Charlotte Hacking

Why the Power of Pictures Works

Impact on writing and literacy and implications for practice

Project evaluator, Sue Horner

The Impact and Practical Implications of the Power of Pictures

Practitioners from Power of Pictures Schools

Participate in Practical Workshops Led by Picture Book Creators

The Art of Reading Pictures

Use picture books to develop inference and comprehension with Alexis Deacon (Beegu and Croc and Bird)

Creating Characters

Taking drawing into writing - illustration workshop with Viviane Schwarz (How to Find Gold and Is there a dog in the book?)

Routes into Meaning

Explore the interplay between words and pictures and how this can be used in children's writing with Benji Davies (Grandad's Island and The Storm Whale) 

This conference will support teachers to:

  • Learn how picture books can be used with all ages in primary schools, and the benefits for all children, particularly those who are less successful in reading and writing
  • Gain practical ideas to help children to formulate and express ideas throughout the writing process using drawing and illustration

  • Explore the advantages of working with writers/illustrators in understanding the writing process and developing enthusiasm for writing in the classroom

  • Be the first to see the newly developed free Power of Pictures website and discover our specially created teaching sequences

The most significant improvement in children’s writing has been in the area of description. They now seem to be more vivid – as if children have become more used to visualising and imagining their characters and landscapes.  It is as if there is a new ‘permission’ granted to visually enjoy books.

Power of Pictures Course Participant

Places are strictly limited.

Pupils are less anxious about writing, have written more and organise their writing better.

Power of Pictures Course Participant 2016

The children have written with greater depth and with more emotional resonance.

Power of Pictures Course Participant 2016

All children were motivated to write at greater length – especially boys.

Power of Pictures Course Participant 2016