Getting It Write Conference

David Crystal - Getting it Write conference June 2017
13th June, 2017 - 10:00 am to 16:00 pm
Price: £190.00


Early Years


Reading Writing

Please note that this conference is now past.

Getting It Write

A One Day Writing Conference

13 June 2017

On 13 June 2017 70 delegates and CLPE staff welcomed renowned grammar and writing expert, David Crystal and award-winning children's author and zoologist, Nicola Davies to a conference which explored how to develop a whole school ethos for the enjoyment of writing.

Delegates participated in workshops run by school based practitioners with CLPE advisory teachers.

The workshops - Raising Achievement in Writing: A Whole School Focus, Learning from Authors: Writing as Writers and Inspiring Writing in the Classroom - demonstrated the proven impact on the children and on the school’s approach to the teaching of writing.

During the course of the day delegates explored:

  • The fundamental link between reading and writing
  • The teaching of grammar and language in context
  • Promoting high standards in the teaching of writing
  • How to create a range of writing opportunities including fiction and non-fiction
  • Creating authentic purposes for writing
  • Creative writing techniques

The day was underpinned by the research behind the CLPE Writing Scale (a free resource available to all).

"Sentences exists to make sense of words”“Grammar is the skeleton of meaning”“Meaning is at the heart of language”

Professor David Crystal at Let’s Write Conference, June 2017

“Language is what makes us human”“Writing ensures children’s voices have a place in the world”“Writing is a way to develop your soul”

Nicola Davies at Let’s Write Conference, June 2017